Inner Alchemy, The Art of Holistic Baby Making: Preconception


This online course is all about prepping your body for pregnancy from a holistic lens. Whether you (and your partner) are wanting to get pregnant now or in the future, this is a great place to start. I walk you through steps to support and prepare your body, mind, spirit (& partner) for pregnancy. During this class we:

☽ Equip you with a broad toolkit of holistic practices to establish a healthy body, mind & spirit that are ready for baby. Including lifestyle practices, nutrition, supplements and care to optimize fertility,

☽ Aid you in creating a powerful support system that will guide you on your journey to becoming a parent

☽ Learn about natural family planning through the Fertility Awareness Method and empower you to use it with confidence

☽ Take a deep dive into reproductive anatomy

☽ Discus the nitty gritty of how, when & where to start conceiving

Start your journey